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天地无穷,鸿蒙无尽,世间万物一切皆都在变化,或诞生,或毁灭。看一胸无大志的少年如何携鸿蒙系统,衍化万千,走上那超脱之路。这是一场科技与玄幻的碰撞,这是一条血与火之路,这条路上一切都终将毁灭,唯有真爱永恒。 神级鸿蒙系统

本书收入朱岳24篇未曾结集出版过的小说。小说控制人类造成的末日危机;文学阅读可以转化为战斗力的微型宇宙;词语之间的战争与玄秘境界;迷宫制造大师之间的疯狂竞争……稀奇古怪的发明、志趣诡异的怪人、子虚乌有的历史事件,小说以独特的风格,丰沛的想象力,创造出—个个怪诞而富有诗意的世界。 说部之乱

没有谁喜欢死亡吧,可不幸却还是降临在了我的身上。 简意

It's the end of the summer, which means one thing: Color War time! Color War is the event of the summer, a massive camp-wide competition. The camp is divided into two teams, Blue and White, with upper campers vying for the envied spot of lieutenant, a team leader position.Jenny assumes she's got lieutenant in the bag, being a “popular girl” and all. And Play Dough sure hopes he does too—members of his family have been White team lieutenants for generations! But when assignments are announced, both are in for a surprise.Play Dough's a lieutenant all right—for the enemy Blue team—and Jenny isn't lieutenant at all. So who is? Jamie, Jenny's sidekick. With the entire camp amping up for an all-out war, can Jenny and Play Dough overcome expectations and lead their teams to victory? Breakout(CampRollingHills#3)

落袭衣出生之际因一些原因,被其父母丢弃在下界,幻元大陆最强高手李天既厌恶世俗,在逃离大陆时恰好捡到这名弃婴,并改名换姓,开始了新的生活…… 虚妄悲秋

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