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《黑笑小说(2015版)》第65章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《黑笑小说(2015版)第65章》,请您 ,免费阅读:黑笑小说(2015版)第65章完整版全文。

Available only in e-book format, Backteria and Other Improbable Tales is a brand new collection of short tales of terror and the unknown from master storyteller Richard Matheson. In the title story, published here for the first time, a researcher encounters an exotic new strain of virus that causes the infected person to disappear. Curiosity leads the doctor on a path of discovery which takes him deep into his own personal history and suggests the age-old warning: Be careful what you wish for.In “Getting Together”, a case of mistaken identity leads to a darkly farcical story of marriage, murder, and a love that knows no bounds. The quietly threatening “Haircut” shows how a routine trim becomes a dark and terrifying experience when a barber is confronted with a sick customer who seems to him otherworldly. BackteriaAndOtherImprobableTales

穿越成了华妃,一个背靠母家,可以荣宠六宫最后却含含冤而死?姐可是看过全剧的人,拿着剧本去宫斗!什么甄嬛的容颜,什么安陵容的声音,什么白月光纯元皇后。姐统统让她们下线,后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在姐身,这后宫独姐一份! 纯元你哪位?我才是皇帝心头爱

她李长乐生来尊贵,却爱错了人,错付了一世深情。换来的,是一杯无情的毒酒,以及李未央为后的消息。到头来回顾自己的一生,才发现,原来一直站在自己身后付出一颗真心的,就是因她而死的叱云南!表哥,重来一世,长乐绝不负你。 灼灼桃花长相思

A市最豪华的宴会厅,她从杀人犯一跃成为沈太太,风光大嫁! 她的老公,沈廷彦在婚礼现场恨不得将她撕碎,“叶堇夕,我真想毁了你。” “好啊,毁了我那就把婚礼变成冥婚!” 势均力敌,针锋相对,究竟谁才是最后赢家! 久爱成疾沈少的前妻

拯救世界,这个男人可是专业的。   以一己之力消灭三大魔主,从而身负大罪本源的圣主不得不踏入通往异域时空的大门,最终抵达至名为卡伦的异世界。   当圣主降临异世界的那一刻,他体内早已无法封印的... 这个男人明明身负大罪却拯救世界

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