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《密婚1314:腹黑总裁求放过》第279章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《密婚1314:腹黑总裁求放过第279章》,请您 ,免费阅读:密婚1314:腹黑总裁求放过第279章完整版全文。

在她哇哇落地之时, 就决定了她的一生不会平凡。集万千宠爱于一身的小公主,有哥哥宠爱,父皇母后疼爱。可她不甘于此!起码在觉醒系统的那一瞬间她是这样想的。用着五年的时光,她已然凭借系统发展了庞大的实力。皇宫内她是无敌的,为此她决心出宫历练。宫外,新的起点,新的道路,将由她一代女豪杰谱写! 团宠公主我靠系统也能自力更生

谢柔锦只想安安分分地做个商人,不说日进斗金,养家糊口就好,所以一不小心,她就成了奸商。容昱从没想过自己会是个好人,不说杀人如麻,但绝对不会委屈自己,所以一开始他就是佞臣。容昱眼中的谢柔锦:呸,有病!谢柔锦眼中的容昱:哼,奸佞!别人眼中的他们:狼狈为奸! 权臣掌中娇

又名《学生会长打游戏都比我厉害》《我真的不是关系户》《学生会长又在做什么》 紫霄:我真的不是你们的学生会长,真的 (PS:本书描绘的是平行世界,请不要代入现实,我已经尽量把时间拖到你们差不多活不到的时... 学生会长的游戏旅程

天空:我絕對不會再回去了!! 雨宮:你確定不要? 天空:痾...... 熾羽:好啦兄弟,拜託! 天空:痾...... 平澤:嗚~~~~你不在人家很無聊呢~~~~ 天空:痾...... 彌亞:天空,拜託... 我的平凡生活很不平凡

It's the end of the summer, which means one thing: Color War time! Color War is the event of the summer, a massive camp-wide competition. The camp is divided into two teams, Blue and White, with upper campers vying for the envied spot of lieutenant, a team leader position.Jenny assumes she's got lieutenant in the bag, being a “popular girl” and all. And Play Dough sure hopes he does too—members of his family have been White team lieutenants for generations! But when assignments are announced, both are in for a surprise.Play Dough's a lieutenant all right—for the enemy Blue team—and Jenny isn't lieutenant at all. So who is? Jamie, Jenny's sidekick. With the entire camp amping up for an all-out war, can Jenny and Play Dough overcome expectations and lead their teams to victory? Breakout(CampRollingHills#3)

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