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获得穿入洪荒修炼的能力,洪荒千年,现实不过两个时辰。... 我在洪荒修炼成圣

A string of comically stylised animals greet each other in masterfully rhyming couplets -- an owl's \"hoo\" is answered by a cow's \"moo;\" a bird's \"chirp\" is returned with an anteater's \"slurp\" -- all leading up to the \"Hi!\" and \"Good-bye!\" of a human toddler and mum! This is the first title in a brand-new board book series on animal [and human] first words by award-winning author/illustrator, Ethan Long. Hi

我所认为的真正的友谊是毫不费力 我的友谊观

一名当警察的人成为凶手后依旧在警察局当警察,而警察局的同事是否能够抓住一个当警察的凶手? 做警察的凶手

一本高中女生暗恋教导主任的日记“我做着不懂的课题,我不知未来的谜底,在这迷茫的世界里,只看到你……”.不能拥有,也不能停止想念,那就继续喜欢吧!在喜欢他的过程中,也开始喜欢自己……慢慢勇敢,慢慢去爱,慢慢的遇见更好的自己! 谢谢曾爱你的我

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