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Journalist and author William Shirer was a witness to many of the pivotal events leading up to World War II. In the second of a three-volume series, Shirer tells the story of his own eventful life, detailing the most notable events of his career as a journalist stationed in Germany during the rise of the Third Reich. Shirer was there while Hitler celebrated his new domination of Germany, unleashed the Blitzkrieg on Poland, and began the world conflict that would come to be known as World War II. This remarkable account tells the story of an American reporter caught in a maelstrom of war and conflict, desperately trying to warn Europe and the US about the dangers to come.This memoir gives readers a chance to relive one of the most turbulent periods in 20th century history-painting a stunningly intimate portrait of a dangerous decade. TheNightmareYears1930–1940

你做过梦吗?你认为梦是什么样的?世界上有种人,他们能够做清醒梦,可这个梦却成为了折磨他们的开端。 研究透了梦境,便是征服大脑的第一步,他可以做许多事情,比如暗杀有梦境天赋人才和救助做昏迷的植物病人等等,这些远远只是冰山一角。 我们主角便是清醒梦患者,因为各种事情,他闯入了各种不同的【梦境】之中。... 闯入梦中的人

海秀有轻微社交障碍,转校后,新的班主任老师为助其治疗,将收发作业的任务交给了海秀,交流障碍的海秀磕磕绊绊的尽力去做,可惜总是记不清同学名字,发作业困难,有次无意中将“坏学生”峰非的卷子发错了……^^竹马竹马,两小无猜的故事就这么开始了。 阳光肉食性攻X害羞草食性受 轻松校园文,甜度++++++ 排雷:弱受~~ 公告:4月22号周五当天入V,入v当天三更,感谢大家一直的支持,鞠躬。 推荐cp千鹤的文:小攻失忆后,只记得小受的大甜文—> 专栏,求收养 想起我叫什么了吗

师父不知为何离开,只留一剑。师父在我眉心镌刻的印记又有何秘密?我半落青又将走向何处? 无命天人

公元前228年,秦军兵临燕国易水。燕太子丹为了秦天雨为其刺秦,不惜把燕二公子的意中人皓月公主相让于他。燕二公子怀恨在心,设计杀死秦天雨夫妇,又追杀其子秦风。秦风得东胡公主慕容秋雪相救逃到东胡,秉承父志维护和平,因为揭发了东胡人制造匈奴与大秦战争的诡计,又被追杀逃到东瀛,得遇鬼谷子,学得上乘武功,找到亲弟秦善文。兄弟二人维护东瀛和平,与东瀛人共建大和民族... 秦汉豪侠传

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