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下落的雨,带走了刚绽放的花。春天万物复苏,初次的相遇,思念的奇迹。  传说人心的思念能够穿越时空,即使跨越千年也能传达给他/她/它。  木蚀拐杖是地主家的女儿,她出生在富裕,幸福中,命运却在她刚出生时带走她的生命,但她出乎意料的幸运,又能在世间存活了下来,奇迹与思念的故事围绕着她展开了.... 舍生取你

因为穿越到了小说世界。 被迫成为了反派,在被女主干掉后,我重生了。 我果断摆烂了。 我本来可以做我的富二代,可为什么我会被女主绑架。 她还要把我做成人棍! 谁来救救我啊!!! 女主怎么比我更反派

杀戮,流离,疫病,饥荒,被遗弃的灾祸少女,于绝境之中找寻着生的意义.. 天穹下的谎言

The fight to protect the Amphibilands rages on in the second book of this action-packed, illustrated series by former football pro Trevor Pryce. The spider queen and Lord Marmoo of the scorpions still have their eyes and fangs set on the vulnerable home of the frogs, and this time they’ve got some impressive backup: the ghost bats, taipan snakes, and blue-banded bees. The constant threats from the outside are keeping the frog warriors busy, so while Gee and Coorah hold down the defenses, Darel and the Kulipari go in search of their dreamcasting turtle friend, Yabber. Yabber, once found, insists he knows who holds the key to saving the Amphibilands: the Rainbow Serpent. With some powerful new allies and a destiny greater than he could have possibly imagined, Darel may be able to beat his enemies and protect his home once and for all. TheRainbowSerpent(AKulipariNovel#2)

我很懒 亿万富翁从送外卖开始

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