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前世因病去世,重生过后的她,发誓要做世上最厉害的药师。求学途中巧遇各大男神,陷入爱情纠缠中,智斗情敌。当情迷深处时,赫然发现心爱之人与情敌同床。决然离去,建立紫轩阁。遇上山仙老祖得一身真传。带着两岁孩童回到琉璃城,再见昔日好友,得知所有因由,悔恨当初的决然。却发誓决不再与之来往,到底谁对谁错?她忘了他。不再为情仇而困扰。却偏偏再次遇上,待她温暖如初、呵护至极。她又该如何? 重生之逗比小萝莉

【变嫁、言情、武功、校园、日常】 明末年间朝野动乱,政权更迭,一劫富济贫,安黎民,自小习得一身好武艺的山匪,跳崖后穿越到现代,结果附身到一名跟他同名同姓,落水而死的少女身上。 回到百年后

侠瞎虾小说是作家幻缎绵的最新作品,深受广大网友欢迎。本站提供完整版最新章节免费阅读。 侠瞎虾

爷爷离世前的嘱托,萧轩翻出祖传的银针,从此,乡村小伙变成无敌神医; 隔壁朴素的少妇,名牌大学的清纯校花,脚踩细高跟的女白领,面对各种美女的青睐,萧轩开始了他风流的传奇人生…… 风流医少

An inventive reimagining of the story of Jason and the Argonauts, this novel by renowned poet and classicist Robert Graves brings heroic figures of Hellenistic myth to life. Graves’ Jason is belligerent, energetic, and full of life, and the society Graves builds for him is outlandish and deeply invested in ancient cults.Against this primitive, religious backdrop, the charismatic Jason assembles a crew and sets out to retrieve the sacred gold-trimmed fleece that is sacred to Zeus, and that has been stolen by worshippers of the Triple Goddess. Accompanying him is Hercules, a brave warrior known more for his brawn, and his astonishingly good luck, than his brains. Robert Graves builds a compelling world that sets Hellenistic magic and mystery in a surprisingly gritty, realistic setting, a fascinating read for fans of Greek mythology. HerculesMyShipmate

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