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凌霄穿越了,本以为这会是一个普通世界,可当有一天他从那万古的帝座上醒来的时候,却发现,还是自己年轻了。 面对即将杀上天庭的那位无上天帝,他s 选择了一切从零开始,走出自己的路,踏上前世从未踏过的境界。... 诸天玄幻纪元

众星捧月的大小姐竟当街给了财阀公子哥一个耳光,还被媒体拍到了。第二天,所有人都在等着事情进一步发酵,等着看她身败名裂,等着看财阀公子对她施展的各种报复手段。可等到最后,只等到财阀公子的道歉:对不起,昨天大小姐打我的时候,把她手震疼了……众媒体:“???”吃瓜群众:“……”后来,他们看到了她和他结婚的消息,又纷纷说这是商业联姻,两人之间并没有真感情。谁知他花十三亿买了一块宝石,对媒体说:只要能博她一笑,值。媒体彻底凌乱,纷纷说他恋爱脑,却不知真相是,他盯着这个小丫头已经许多年了…… 财阀夫妻今天又在公开撒狗粮

女主对男主从暗恋到明恋到跟男主热恋到最后分开的种种故事 爱恋是日记

We aim to summarize both classical results that are crucial for the understanding of the concept of synchronization, and an up-to-date account of the accompanying fascinating phenomena. The main theme that runs throughout the book is that interaction between complex systems is governed by the same universal principles. We strive to explain the material in a way that the newcomers to the field would hopefully appreciate. Assuming only the basic knowledge of mathematics, our book takes the reader to the frontiers of what is currently known about this research area. 混沌同步(ChaosSynchronization)

他对她的厌恶,全部源于他不爱她,却要被逼着娶她。人前,他霍晟北是云城里,最有钱最绅士的权贵。人后,他把她逼到浴室,将她死死的折磨。最后,婚姻变成了坟墓,他亲眼看到她死了孩子,还被折磨的精神异常时——他才知道,这世界上最爱他的女人是她!那一刹那,他害怕了…… 嫁给你半生无欢

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