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主罗x汉库克,含汉库克x路飞,来吃我191组邪 教! [海贼]恋歌宣誓

文案什么的作者完!全!不!会!!!!啊!!!!大概就是薄凛和易青两个人的情感和羁绊走向这篇结构可能会有些奇怪,正篇时间线跳跃。可能会有番外是正片的既视感。番外主要为薄凛视角,着重薄凛的内心变化。暂时没有考虑写易青视角,怕写不好会引战。 你是我隐藏在伟大友谊下无望的爱人

「我一直想写一篇能让人在床上滚来滚去的百合小说,我也是以此为目标。希望前辈能使劲鞭策我!蹂躏我吧!请收我为徒吧!」 就在此时即使是身处异地的我们,我们的心似乎紧密的相连在一起。这种微妙的变化,却成就... 我的小说充满同桌的黄色废料

"天地为棋局,众生为棋子,穷尽亿万心计,出尽阴计阳谋,只为那最后的执棋者!当一切谜底揭开之时,到底谁才是真正的黄雀?一次不是意外的意外,从天降下一个来历神秘的女流氓使得萧天旦夕之间跌落天才的神坛,但同时也使得萧天的命运发生了惊天的转折。传说,天地有九鼎,得之可成神!我萧天誓要齐聚... 帝神天下

Story of Edith&Andre: “O’Lady Liberty divine!For thee alone, my life I’d resign:I beseech all to carve thy name so fair,On my tombstone, for all to stare.”“This is a love poem for me?”Edith couldn’t help muttering resignedly. But what else could she do? Her lover was a stoic little leader! Every time she complained that he was always working tirelessly, Andre would smile and whisper in her ear, “Have you not heard? ‘A revolutionary only finds rest in his grave’.”It seemed like an ominous omen when he ultimately had neither a grave nor a tombstone.The only thing Andre left her was a small notebook with a red cover. The front page was inscribed with neatly written words: Love, Compassion, Liberty.The final pages remained blank, but at the very end was a small line of pencil writing, already smudged and faded. Each letter was bold and alive, revealing the profound happiness and fervor of the writer: “Liberty is the right to love and to be loved.”Story of Fiona:Little Fiona always thought that she lived in a world entirely separated from those wealthy girls, until this barefooted waif became a little Marchioness overnight. She had two fathers, one grand and handsome like a god, the other short and frail like a reed. They believed in completely different philosophies - the latter left her mired in poverty and shame, while the former pulled her into a heaven full of dignity and glory.Fiona chose one and abandoned the other. She felt she lacked nothing: beauty, wealth, honour, and love. Until she met that angel in the scarlet dress again. A century later, the old soldier who ended Fiona’s life recalled her in his memoir: “I felt that old lady was a blaze of fire. I aimed at her, shot, and she fell. But bullets could never snuff out flames.”What romantic entanglements will fate weave for these noble souls? LoveatDawn

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