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A virus has infected the Arlington, Virginia, home of the NERDS headquarters, and it’s much worse than your run-of-the-mill flu. Instead of coughing and sneezing, the victims of this voracious virus are transformed into superintelligent criminal masterminds. Soon nearly everyone—including some of the NERDS team—is plotting to take over the world. With more people breaking out into evil cackles every day, it’s up to Flinch, the hyperactive superspy with a sweet tooth, to stop the virus. Flinch will have to miniaturize himself and take a fantastic voyage through supervillain Heathcliff’s body to fight white blood cells, stomach acid, and a nest of nasty nanobytes in the hope that he can save the world from the Villain Virus. TheVillainVirus(NERDSBookFour)

作者:柳树下的影子作品简介:“她”容貌倾城、美艳绝顶,“她”古灵精怪、聪慧过人无人能及。这样的“她“在后宫之中无须争斗就能得到皇帝对她唯独钟情的宠爱。“她”有情有义对感情从一而终却阴差阳错被迫成为帝王之妾,深埋在心中几十年的感情最后却化作尘土凄凉埋藏。“她“一生成谜,最终又为何会凄凉离世,在她心中究竟深爱的人是‘谁’……“她”如此受宠但却为何只成为帝王一介妃子……于这样一位倾城的美人在她那短短几十年的人生中又在帝王后宫里扮演着什么样的角色!+作品信息:风格:亦喜亦悲结局:悲剧情节:宫廷斗争男主:王者风范,刚毅帅气、正直型女主:倾城之貌、聪明型背景:清朝 清宫敏妃传

他,只手遮天,他,独身一人迎战众多强者,他,天赋异禀,身份高贵,傲视群雄,但是他并不是主角,主角另有其人。 怒天决

“不想谋朝篡位的权臣不是一个合格的权臣…… 总有一天,帝国的金币上会印上老子的头像!” ——夏亚雷鸣 猎国

做为一个工具人女配,她每次都要替原主完成各种各样的心愿。 快穿女配不走寻常路

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